This article is based on the experiences of Anthony and Carole James, whilst on holiday in the United States of America, in September 1994. It has been
written by Carole James for EMUFORA.
Special Thanks to:-
Chuck Clark
Glen Campbell
Pat and Joe Travis
Roy (the barman)
and all the others at Rachel, Nevada, who made us welcome.
Ray and Elsie Pollock
Bruce and Anne Morrison
Ed Walters
Staff at the Islander Newspaper
And all the other UFO spotters whom we met in GULF BREEZE.
Tony and I decided to take our holiday this year in California. Two years before, we spent three weeks in Florida, and though we both enjoyed it, we felt that this time we would like to explore the West coast - and of course no visit to the West would be complete without visiting the famous Groom Lake in Nevada.
One week before our flight date, we received a large envelope containing a book called "A Visitors Guide To Area 51", this was written and sent by Glen Campbell who is a resident of Rachel ( a small settlement near Groom Lake ). We were very puzzled by this. How had he obtained our address? and how did he know we were planning a trip there? ( we found out at the end of the holiday, that Ray Pollock, our friend who lives in Gulf Breeze, had arranged for it to be sent to us). Anyway, this book is a must for anyone planning on isiting the area. It's packed with a wealth of information, it includes maps, and answers just about anything you could need to know. We started our holiday in San Francisco where we spent two days, and we were both glad to leave this city behind as we headed for Yosemite National park, and the Mammoth Lakes. The scenic views in this area are fantastic, We then headed South and through Death Valley ( another great experience ) and on to Las Vegas, where we stayed for five Days. According to Glen Campbell's visitors guide, accommodation was available at the Little-A-Le-Inn, so Tony phoned to reserve a room for two nights. We were very disappointed to learn that all the rooms were booked up. Not to be put off, we decided to go anyway, and sleep in the car if necessary.
On Tuesday, 27th September, we loaded up the car, yet again with our luggage, and after gorging ourselves on a huge breakfast (food is a way of life in America), we set off into the sweltering heat of the Nevada desert.With temperatures into the high 90s, it was cool and comfortable in the air conditioned car. Before long we had left the Glitter Gulch of Vegas way behind us. Mile after mile, Tony drove through desert wasteland - the fierce sunlight forced us to wear sunglasses, even though the car had dark tinted windows. From Vegas, we took highway 93, and then turned onto state highway 375. Shortly after joining this road, we were greeted by a billboard at the roadside advertising the Little-A-Le-Inn, so we knew we were on the right track.
We had driven approximately 130 miles from Vegas, when we arrived at the well known Black Mailbox. Tony swung the car off the road, and parked by the side of it. He was becoming very excited by this time, as it meant that we were nearly at our destination. He grabbed his video camera, and we got out of the car, it felt as though we had opened the door to a furnace, as the heat beat down upon us. Tony filmed the Mailbox and the surrounding area. Many people have reported seeing UFOs in this area.
We travelled the remaining twenty miles to Rachel, and what was described as a town, was in actual fact a small settlement of approximately fifty trailers, one filling station/provisions store, and one cafe/bar which of course is called the Little-A-Le-Inn. After taking more photos, we ventured into the cafe. There was around eight or nine people inside, who all seemed to glance at us as we made our way to the bar. We ordered a drink, then Tony left me sitting at the bar looking at the menu, whilst he toured the room looking at all the UFO related paraphernalia - and there was plenty of it, ranging from T shirts with alien motifs, small figurines, car stickers, books, earrings, even a model UFO kit - you name it and they had it. Tony particularly liked a framed poster of Bob Lazar's model UFO which had a red background of a satellite view of area 51 ( we bought one of these before we left ). There were also signed photographs of notable ufologists, and pictures of UFOs which had been taken in the area.
When he finally rejoined me at the bar, we ordered something to eat, Alien burgers and fries (which looked and tasted remarkably like Hamburgers). In no time at all, Tony had struck up conversation with the barman, and asked again if there were any vacancies, and it seems our luck was in - well for one night anyway. A TV crew were due at Rachel, as a live broadcast was scheduled to take place on the following Saturday, called the Larry King Show. The TV crew had booked all the spare accommodation but had failed to show up that day, so they let us have a room for the night.
We asked where we might find Glen Campbell, and we were pointed in the right direction. After locating his trailer, which is hard to miss, as he has a large board in the front saying Area 51 Research Centre. Sitting on the tow-bar to his trailer sat a life-sized stuffed dummy wearing a one piece flying suit, and in the garden there were parts of aircraft which he had recovered from the desert. He was out, so we pinned a note to his door. Later, after freshening up, we returned to the bar, and Glen had phoned to say he was back, so once again we called on him. Glen is a Nevada activist who has lived in Rachel for the past two years. He is against the secrecy that surrounds Groom Lake, and the constant denials that there is a military installation there. He also runs a computer network and sends newsletters to interested parties. We introduced ourselves and had a chat, then headed back to the A-Le-Inn.
During the evening we got to know some of the locals, one of whom was Chuck Clark. Tony and Chuck talked about UFOs, and Tony asked him if he would act as our guide the following day, to which he agreed.
We met up with him the next morning, and Chuck explained he would take us up White Sides mountain. This was further away from the restricted zone's perimeter than Freedom Ridge, but it was higher, so we could get a better view of the Groom Lake Installation.
He told us about a couple who had wandered over the perimeter border unknowingly, to have a picnic. Within no time at all they were held face down at gunpoint by security guards until the sheriff arrived and promptly arrested them. They were held overnight in jail then received a fine and also had to pay $100 dollars to retrieve their car which had been impounded. We agreed with him that it would be better to be safe that sorry, so we settled for White Sides mountain.
Tony drove back down towards the black mailbox, where we followed a dusty road to the right. The road behind disappeared in a cloud of dust, and the further down the road we went, the rougher the terrain got. The ground eventually became too rough for the car, so after parking up, we set off the remaining distance to the mountain by foot. In no time at all, we were at the base of White Sides mountain, which stood 6,000 foot high. It was very hard going for me (being a smoker) and the higher the altitude, the more difficult it was to breathe. I had to make numerous stops to catch my breath.
We were a few hundred feet from the peak when we heard distinct sounds of a helicopter. Chuck told us to hide our cameras - which we did. He said that the car had probably triggered one of the road sensors off, and they were coming to check us out. We each found ourselves a large rock to sit on, as suddenly a huge Blackhawk helicopter appeared over the ridge to our right. It was amazing, as it flew directly level with us, but did not appear to have seen us. Tony wanted to video it, but Chuck advised him not to, as we would be met by the sheriff when we got down the mountain, and he would confiscate the film.
The helicopter passed by, and as it went further away from us, we could tell that it had spotted our car. It seemed to hover over it for a few minutes, and then it began making its way back towards us - it seemed to be making a search pattern. Chuck stood up, and said that we might as well carry on because the chopper wouldn't give up until he had found us. This time round the pilot spotted us, and obviously Tony and I were dressed like typical tourists and not terrorists, and that we weren't carrying powerful telescopes, he circled us and the headed away towards Freedom Ridge.
At the top of White Sides mountain, the wind blew quite blustery. The view from the top reminded me of looking down at a colour map. It was like being above the Earth. The first thing we did was to look at Groom Lake through our binoculars - we could see the base and its white buildings quite clearly.
Tony zoomed in with his video recorder and started filming. There was a mountain beyond Groom Lake, and it was over that mountain, where physicist, Bob Lazar claims that he worked on an anti-gravity propulsion system, and that the U.S. military have at least nine alien-built flying saucers in their possession, which are kept at Papoose Lake (behind Groom Lake).
Chuck directed our attention to a pinpoint of light, far away on a steep hill opposite.
It turned out to be the reflection of the sun on the windscreen of a security jeep. The driver was watching us through binoculars. Shortly afterwards another jeep joined him.
After about thirty minutes or so, we headed back down the mountain, it was much easier going down than it was to climb up (well it was for me because I slid down most of it). When we reached the car, Chuck directed us further up the dirt road where we found "NO TRESPASSERS" signs. Tony took photographs of these. He also took photographs of some type of remote cameras which were at the top of a steep hill to our left. We also noticed a security jeep which was parked up there.
Chuck said, "We'd better get going, otherwise they'll send for the sheriff - they've already seen you taking photos". So we headed back down the dusty road.
Chuck told us to keep an eye out for aerial wires which could be found poking up behind the boulders which were scattered by the roadside. He said that they were sensors which were triggered off by passing vehicles, which then in turn alerted the base that someone was approaching the area. We found one of the sensors, and again Tony took photos and video of it. We all knew that we were still being watched as we got back into the car and headed down the so-called "non-existent road". We were to turn left where it met the black mailbox road, but in the distance ahead of us we saw clouds of dust being thrown up in the wake of a white car. Chuck advised us to hide the camcorder and also change the roll of film in the camera because it was probably the sheriff - and if it was, he would take the film. We did this, and Tony drove as fast as he could to get to the mailbox road before the oncoming car. We arrived there well before the other car, and beat a hasty retreat. I looked through the binoculars once we had reached the main road, and the other car had stopped on the non existent road. We were all relieved when we arrived back at Rachel.
By this time some of the TV crew had arrived. People were in and out of the cafe with identity badges clipped to them, even the local people who were taking part wore badges. I thought this a little premature because the show didn't go on until Saturday and it was only Wednesday.
We could have headed back to Vegas that evening, but we decided to stay over another night and sleep in the car. After filling ourselves with a meal, Tony and I went to Chuck's trailer, where he played us a video of Bob Lazar explaining what he did at the base, and how the flying saucer worked, this was very technical (for me anyway). Afterwards, Chuck had a meeting to attend, so Tony and I called in on Glen Campbell and told him about our visit to the mountain. He showed us posters of Groom Lake which he'd had enlarged, and we had a chat about ufologist and ufology in general before we headed back to the Little-A-Le-Inn to do more socialising. We learn later that evening, th`t Stanton Friedman (Nuclear physicist) was due at the weekend, as he was one of the guests on the TV show. Tony was very disappointed that he couldn't be there to meet him. Tony regarded him as his mentor (the person who encouraged him to start his own research group). Unfortunately we couldn't stay until Saturday, as we had to drive down to San Diego, which is a very long drive. We were due to fly out to Florida from there on Sunday.
On Thursday morning, after a night of torrential rain - (YES - rain in the desert!), we had breakfast, and said our goodbyes to everyone, with promises to return one day, and headed for San Diego. On Saturday evening we stayed in our hotel room to watch the Larry King show, but we were dismayed to find that we couldn't get the channel which it was being broadcast on.
We flew through the night to Orlando, Florida, arriving there at 7.30am. Luckily the hotel where we had booked into let us have our room earlier than the checking time of so we showered and then slept until mid afternoon. Later we went to do some souvenir shopping, and also to visit the UFO museum in Orlando. We found out that the museum had closed down two months beforehand.
The following day we headed North for the long drive to Gulf Breeze, which is in the pan-handle at the North West of Florida. The journey there took most of the day. We booked into a hotel which backed onto the beautiful white beach of Santa Rosa Island. By the time we showered and eaten, it was a little late, so Tony decided to wait until the following day before contacting our friends, Ray and Elsie Pollock.
We'd met Ray two years before, when we visited Pensacola. He had kept in touch with us ever since, letting us know the latest news from Gulf Breeze. He had even subscribed to the Islander newspaper for us. This is delivered to us every week, and carries all the local UFO news in it.
As we received many enquiries about Gulf Breeze, Tony decided to video a kind of "Guide to Gulf Breeze" video. The next morning we set off to video some of the well known landmarks, starting with the Gulf Breeze sign. We also called in at the "Islander" newspaper office, as we wanted to renew our subscription. Tony said, "Good morning". and the young woman (can't remember her name) put up her hands and said, - "Don't tell me - It's Anthony and Carol James from England isn't it?" - (fame at last, I hear you say. Alas, Tony had sent them a postcard telling them that we would be visiting, and to hold any newspapers that we had missed so they were expecting us). After we affirmed who we were, she disappeared into a back room and fetched Jane, the editor out to meet us. We had a good natter, and they gave us a stack of newspapers which they had saved for us. Tony asked if we could call back sometime during our stay, and take some photos and video them - to which they agreed.
Back at the hotel, Tony telephoned Ray and arranged to meet that evening at Shoreline Park - the most popular spot for UFO sightings. We also left a message on the MUFON answerphone and also a message on Ed Walters answerphone, asking him if he would meet us and inscribe his two books for us. (These are The Gulf Breeze Sightings, and Abductions In Gulf Breeze).
In the afternoons we swam in the beautiful turquoise waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and sunbathed on the dazzlingly white sun-drenched beach.
Later that evening we drove over Bob Sykes bridge which leads to Gulf Breeze parkway, and onto Shoreline Park. A group of people were already there, including Ray and Elsie Pollock, and Bruce Morrison and several others. Ray soon bought us upto date with the latest news. Alas, there had been no sightings since the beginning of September, when there was a mini flap. And sadly there has been a rift amongst the MUFON team - some sticking rigidly to the nuts and bolts theory, and the others preferring the psychical/spiritual theory.
There was to be a three day conference on 14-16 October, with well known speakers, Budd Hopkins, Linda Howe, Bob Dean, Dr. Leo Sprinkler, and even our own Jenny Randles. (We heard later that Jenny didn't make it). Hopefully
Ray will send us an update for the magazine.
Bruce Morrison had an idea to put to Tony, he has quite a considerable amount of video footage of the Gulf Breeze UFO, which he has recorded on separate occasion. He is considering producing a video for sale, and if he has them converted to PAL format (suitable for British TV) would there be a market for them in England? If so would Tony be the European distributor?
When we arrived back at our hotel, Tony went to check with reception to ask if there had been any calls for us whilst we had been out - there hadn't. We were quite disappointed that Ed Walters hadn't contacted us, so the next morning Tony rang him again, and this time Ed answered in person. Tony explained who we were, and Ed agreed to meet us, but could only spare five minutes as he was extremely busy. They arranged to meet at 12 o clock on the Broadwalk. When Tony told me of the arrangements, I laughed and said, "High noon on the Boardwalk? sounds like a western movie title".
The Boardwalk is a stretch of land on Santa Rosa Island, which is boarded over and has shops and restaurants on it. There is an area where open air concerts are held (a small stage with seating in a semi-circle) with a large sea shell as a backdrop on the stage. This is where we were to meet Ed. Tony was quite nervous, which is very unusual for him, anyway he soon relaxed once our celebrity had arrived and the five minute interview soon turned into thirty.
We discussed his books, "The Gulf Breeze Sightings, and Abductions in Gulf Breeze". He said that he didn't have any plans for writing anymore books. He also stated that he no longer associated with the MUFON team, and that he didn't attend meetings or conferences, as they had become too spiritually inclined. Ed and his wife, Francis are now divorced and Ed lives with someone else on Santa Rosa Island.
His last sighting happened in April (94)? when he took a daylight photograph of a UFO out over the bay, and it appeared to be sucking up water! At present the photograph is being analysed, which according to Ed is the best thing to do before releasing it to the public. Earlier this year, he also photographed a UFO, again in daylight, with a jet passing in front of it. This photograph also appeared in the Islander newspaper.
I asked Ed if he had considered speaking at UFO conferences, to which he replied a definite "No Way" (Oh, Well, no harm in asking). At the beginning of our meeting, Tony asked him if he could video him, to which Ed agreed - so the interview was captured on video, along with many other witnesses during our stay in Pensacola. Tony will be putting together a video of Nevada and Gulf Breeze for anyone who is interested.
On our last evening in Gulf Breeze, we went out for a meal with Ray and his Elise, and Elise's mum, plus Bruce and Ann Morrison. We mentioned that we had been disappointed to miss the Larry King show from Nevada and Ann said that she had it on video tape, and that she would copy it for us, which she did, (we were going to get it converted to PAL format when we arrived home, but we tried it on our video - and it worked perfect). We ended the evening as usual on Shoreline park, and Tony interviewed some of the other witnesses there. Ray also told us about a "UFO" house, which was further down the island to the hotel. It had been built 25 years ago by a doctor. We made a note to go and look at it before we left the following morning. Bruce Morrison also gave Tony the directions to the road where the UFO was filmed above the ground. He said we couldn't miss it as the road had been marked in yellow where the UFO had been.
Sadly we said goodbye to our friends, and early the next morning we set off, first paying a visit to see the UFO house. We took photographs of this circular building, with its porthole windows. I wish now that we had gone to photograph it the night before - when it was dark, as it would of looked much more effective in the dark with its windows lit up. Then we travelled to the spot where Ed Walters had taken the famous roadside shot, and yes, someone had painted a large yellow blob to mark the spot, again Tony took photos.
Written by Carole James
We have just received a letter from our friend in Rachel, Nevada. At the beginning of October there was a sighting of a large triangular craft flying above the road, approximately 10 miles Southeast of Rachel. It was estimated to be 200-300 foot (each of the sides) had 3 rectangular shaped lights, one being near each point of the triangular shape, (one red, one white, and one green). It flew with one of the sides leading, and the point towards the back, and was surrounded by military jets. (This sighting must of took place the week after we left Rachel - just our luck!)
The three day conference went well, with approximately 650 - 700 people attending. Jenny Randles had to cancel her talk due to her parents ill health. NASA film footage was shown of UFO's darting all over the screen, and one of the Astronauts can be heard saying "Whats going on?", to which, no reply came from ground control.
A sighting was reported in Gulf Breeze the week following the conference, by two business who were travelling through Gulf Breeze at 1.30am.